Thursday, October 20, 2011


Queen of Cups
Ace of Swords
Three of Pentacles

Six of Swords
King of Pentacles
Seven of Swords

Seven of Cups
Four of Swords (<-*sigh*)
The Hierophant


If it weren't for the Ace of Swords and Temperance, I would say this was a bad sign. Still, heavy influences from the the current plan (seen in previous reading) appear throughout this reading:

The Three of Pentacles, Seven of Swords and Hierophant are all directly referring to it.
Six of Swords led me there. Being the King of Pentacles put me in the right mind set for it.

The Four of Swords represents my effect on others or others' effect on me in this spread, baring in mind that the question was referring to future events. Considering that the Four of Swords was shown as a Future Influence in my previous reading, this is clearly where it fits into the larger scheme of things.

Temperance sounds all well and good (all things considered), I just don't know if/how the Eight of Cups fits into that.

*picard* *sigh*

Further Analysis:

The spread makes a lot more sense once you include Reading 3 (see above.) Temperance is really explained here as the resolution between the Eight of Cups and The Sun. It essentially boils down to: I will probably end up abandoning my current specific plan, but, regardless, if I stick with games, it will end up in success.

The concern here is that now that I'm aware of the possibility of Reading 1, what does that mean toward my attitude in following through with it? There were positive signs (namely success) in there that are the result of doing the thing (see Ace of Swords, Seven of Swords, Three of Pentacles, The Emperor) and if it's related to Games then it still has to contribute toward The Sun somehow.

If anything it means I may just end up abandoning the current path, but still staying on the overall goal, to my ultimate Ace of Cups + The Sun, which is really sweet.

Resolution? Stick with the plan.

Noted and acknowledged.

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