Thursday, July 15, 2010

The New World [!]

There is a bacteria... a very special kind of bacteria.

This bacteria can be found off the coast of many nations across the world.

It has only recently evolved and has a very unique diet.

It eats Oil.

There is a group. They have a vision.

A vision, of a New World.

A World free of the dependency on oil; of a fuel that destroys the planet and holds nations hostage to its limited supply.

The current rate of consumption, it would still be years before the supply ran out. It would be too late.

They had a plan: Hyperevolve the Oil-Eating Bacteria and use it to destroy the worlds accessible crude oil supply. Force the world into developing alternative energy sources. The world built on oil would crumble into the past and a New World would arrive. The dawn of a new era.

What they needed was a way to give the bacteria access to immense quantities of oil and force the bacteria to evolve.

So they found the easiest way to get a lot of crude... They got into the oil business.

They worked their way into corporations...

And they caused an oil spill.

And they made sure, that it was a big one.

For the good of the World.