Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy New Year

To all fellow Jews out there, Happy New Year 5769.

Supposedly, it's Jewish superstition that if you get a new job just before the New Year that it will be a very successful one. I found out last night that Square-Enix has added me to their game testing talent pool. That's fancy talk for I got the fucking job! I'm not really one for superstition, but sometimes things are just a good sign.

Lots of changes for me this year. I am no longer with the Friar House. I have moved back in with my parents to save money. I have taken over Tahl's old room in the garage, it's pretty sweet. It took some getting used to but I finally made it my own.

I've been unemployed for a little over a month. I went through a lot of emotional states regarding it, but I'm pretty much enjoying it now. That being said, I'm looking forward to beginning the development of my career in video games.

I've decided that I'm going to run a New World of Darkness - Mage game. My roleplaying needs have grown more sophisticated; and while I will enjoy playing in Orry's D&D game, I need to run a game that focuses more on roleplaying and character drama. I look forward to developing that project as well as other endeavors in the near future.

Things are changing... that "transition" period of moving and unemployment looks to be coming to an end. It's time to begin the new chapter of my life. I'm really looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

I read it. I liked it. Who lives at the Friar house now? Is it just Kyle and Colby? How will they survive without you and Alan?!?!?!1111!!!

I'm excited to see how working with Square-Enix goes for you. You're a QA tester, right? That should be neat. I didn't realize that they were local, too. All the game studios are, so I don't know why I'm so surprised.

Come drink with me at Springbok sometime. That way you can see that I'm doing okay, too. ^_^

Ophir Klainman said...

Yeah, it's just Colby and Kyle right now. But plans are on motion to fill those empty rooms. They seem to be doing fairly well without us though ;)

Yeah, I'm doing QA for Square-Enix. It's the bottom of the ladder, but it's one I look forward to climbing.

They are local in that they are located in Los Angeles. They are in El Segundo, which is a bitch of a drive, but worth it I suppose.

I actually live closer to Springbok now and have always meant to go there (I've checked out their menu, looks like a neat place to eat/drink.)

Be in touch with you soon!

Ari Abramczyk said...

I love you! I hope you are very happy at your new job. Let's get together soon!